
Sunday, December 21, 2008

Let it be! Let it be!!

“The greatest discovery of my generation is that human being can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind

- William James of Harvard University.

Looking back in time, depending on whose rear-view mirror you are viewing, year 2008 will be fondly remembered, missed or hissed at. To many others, it might as well be goodbye to year 2009 if not welcome, year 2006. In other words, expectedly and naturally too, year 2008 dealt differently to different persons. A cursory glance at the year-book of 2008 will reveal an overwhelming disparity in thoughts, actions and inaction of men, resulting in varying degrees of results and counter reactions. Regardless of race, religion, region or class, year 2008 no doubt, delivered an unending laughter, joy and happiness to many just as many homes and institutions were rife with pain, sorrow and despair. There were birth and death. Winners and losers. Leaders and rulers. Achievers and dreamers. The lot had their way, others merely had their say. Desperate others even desired to freeze the year under review. Mother Nature won’t have none of that. Whatever your inevitable lot, year 2008 is gone and gone forever. Same (2008) better described as yesterday in our recent past, relegated to memory lane is only good to history and useful to historians. Hence, nature’s deliver on year 2009. Year 2009 today (o1/01/2009) like Virgin Mary (Mariam) is pure, young and innocent. Like a new born baby its (2009) very welcomed and cherished. Above all, like most new trends, this year brings with it high hope and expectations, coupled with traditional blind enthusiasm. To this end, all manner of measures, permissible or otherwise – cash and kind – are employed to achieve set objectives. Such measures are largely the direct offspring of the new year’s resolution phenomenon borne, to a large extent, out of constructive criticism, self-appraisal and deep reflection.

To please the profs; new year’s resolution like all other resolution, is, according to the Oxford Learner’s Dictionary, “ a firm decision to do or not to do something”, but unlike the latter that are haphazard, the former is very popular and synonymous with 1 Jan. of every year. Year 2009 in particular.

“The beginning is half the whole” - Greek proverb.

Regardless of who we are, our past and circumstance (Immediate and remote), the decision to make or mar our lives is in our hands. In this regard, John R. Rice once Opined:

No matter what a man’s past may have been, his future is spotless. where there is no faith in the future, there is no power in the present.

Hinge your goals on your desires, not on your circumstances. our wishes are but prophesies of what we capable of achieving. As “nothing lie beyond the reach of prayer except those request that fall outside the will of God – Aaidh Ibn Abdullah Al-Qarnee. A quick & simple guide in these manner & matter of human existence – active adults, especially – is to plan (confide & consult), pray and look deep before you leap with utmost caution. “Easy” they say, “does it ”.Meaning:

one step at a time.

Furthermore, life by the yard is hard, by inch is (life) cinch. We may be disappointed if we fail but we will be doomed if we don’t try at all. Grieve not over those chances you failed, about them you are done with. John Keats writes:

Failure is the highway to success, in as much as every discovery of what is false leads us also to seek earnestly after what is true.

Success doesn’t mean the absence of failure. It means the attainment of ultimate objectives. It means winning the war not every battle. What’s more, the British once assert:

When an exercise fails, let it die fast & silently; and if any one mentions It, you don’t know what the hell he’s talking about – Que Sera Sera.

The vision that you glorify in your mind; the ideal that you enthrone in your heart - this you will build your life by, this you will become.


Resolve to have a new lease of life. Resolve to fault all fears – they are false. Resolve to be a firm believer in divine intervention. Resolve to avoid bad association – be your self. Resolve to stand for something – be bold and strong. Resolve to start where you stand – however small. Resolve to be an incurable optimist. Resolve to be different to make a difference – be a role model. Resolve to know more to be more – learn to learn. Resolve to ignore your limitations – focus on your strength. Resolve to travel light – bear no grudges. Resolve to be happy – have peace of mind. Resolve not to entertain life vanities – life is brief. Resolve to take pain – no pain is in vain. Resolve to see the end – don’t quit, hang on.

Resolve that “destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for, a thing to be achieved” – William Jennings Bryan.

Resolve to be resolved!

Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible. They are no born champions. Today is all that you got, yesterday (2008) is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Be a champion today.

God bless and sustain Nigeria.


0806 547 2054.

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